Monday, March 29, 2010

Stroller!! (27 weeks 2 days)

As some of you may know, I was having a really, really hard time deciding on a stroller...there are so many options and I was trying to avoid having 423123578 strollers, all for different purposes. There are umbrella strollers, Snap N Go strollers, travel systems, joggers, lightweight...wheels that are rubber, wheels that are plastic, wheels that are plastic but foam filled, air filled tires. AHH!!! What to do?!

After much deliberation, shopping, mind changing and discussion, James made the ultimate decision and was it ever a great one! He surprised me one day after school with a gift that was supposed to be for when the baby was born. We are not so good at holding onto presents that we have for each other!!

Well, that surprise gift was a stroller! And it was the one that I really, really wanted but didn't ultimately register for! It was the B.O.B. jogger that I loved! I was so excited and shocked that he thought I didn't like it at first! Oh no...I loved it!! It is going to be so great for walking in our neighborhood and doing all the hilly, outdoor things that are around us, especially in the fall.

It is in our dining room right now and I keep going in there to collapse it and then make it upright again. It's so easy to do!! So yay! One more important item checked off the list. We did get the Snap N Go stroller at my school shower (yay!), which will be great for the beginning. We may have to get a smaller stroller when Jack is a little older, but that is definitely in the future. For now, I am so excited!!!!

How far along are you? 27 weeks and 2 days
Maternity clothes? For sure. And they are starting to look better, too.
Weight – Loss or Gain? Gain for sure...
Has your shoe size changed? Nope.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Still sleeping well for the most part.
Best moment this week: School baby shower. So much fun!
Any Movement? All the time. He doesn't like it when I sit at a table at school because it's right at my belly level. He always seems to push out at that time!
Food Cravings? Nope.
Food Aversions? Nope.
Belly Button in or out? It's still pretty much in, but stretched to capacity!!!
What do you miss: Getting in and out of bed without having to roll out.
What are you looking forward to: Our furniture coming so that we can put away all of this new stuff!
Weekly Wisdom: No wisdom from others this week, but I am trying to remind myself that everyone has their own opinion and not to let that change how I feel about things or upset me.
Milestones: Entering the 3rd trimester and hopefully passing the gestational diabetes test. I didn't hear anything from the doctor and it's been over a week...I think I am in the clear! Yay!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

25 weeks 3 days & a train!!

While James and I were at Michael's looking for fabric, which they don't have...but we obviously thought they did...James spotted these adorable magnetic train letters. I found him pondering over them in the aisle. I finally convinced him to get them and paint them! So, we picked out some other pieces and were off to find paint. Who knew that would be an ordeal? We picked primary colors and were off...

They began as a pine color, I just didn't get a picture before James primed them. He worked diligently for his little guy all Sunday afternoon a couple of weeks ago. The train name turned out SO CUTE!! He has an artistic streak like his mom and apparently their great minds think alike!

Also, for anyone that doesn't already know, the name will be revealed in this post!

Here are some pictures:

So handsome!!!!

How far along are you? 25 weeks and 3 days - 1 more week until the 3rd trimester!
Maternity clothes? For sure.
Weight – Loss or Gain? Gain for sure...
Has your shoe size changed? Nope.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Still sleeping well for the most part.
Best moment this week: Kids at school are starting to notice. One little girl asked if I was "growing a baby in my belly". It was very cute.
Any Movement? Tons and tons. He has found a home under or near my ribs. It's lovely.
Food Cravings? Nope.
Food Aversions? No, but there is a cabbage cook-off at school tomorrow that I am a little concerned about...
Belly Button in or out? Mostly in but on its way's so weird!
What do you miss: Regular pants that don't constantly have to be yanked up!
What are you looking forward to: My belly continuing to grow!
Weekly Wisdom: No real wisdom, except that someone told Elizabeth and I how cute we are pregnant when we were literally griping about how un-cute we feel!! Granted, I had just taken in my reflection in a window...not exactly accurate!
Milestones: I am having my glucose test on Friday to check for gestational diabetes...keep your fingers crossed!